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Abstract Background

Virtual Chair Hybrid Services

We're your one-stop shop for engaging hybrid academic events

We'll Handle the Virtual

  • We'll design your virtual venue - either based on proven templates or customized to your needs.

  • Collect content (videos, posters, etc.) from your presenters and sponsors.

  • Provide pre-event training and real-time support for your sessions chairs, presenters and attendees.

  • Integrate with platforms (Gather, Zoom, SlidesLive, MiniConf. etc.) and can handle all the setup.


Connect with the Physical

  • Our experienced event producers, will guide you to create the perfect hybrid event that will engage both virtual and in-person attendees.

  • Integrate with existing AV systems to better connect your audience.

  • Create an accessible event by adding a virtual venue to your conference.


"The participants found that the virtual venue was much better designed and worked better for facilitating interaction during the event than the self-designed environments many have experienced prior to the conference."

Organizer Seminar Series


  • Real-world examples of recent hybrid events, with a postmortem from the organizers—discussing successes, challenges, and opportunities for organizers of future hybrid events.

  • If you are running your own hybrid event, there will be a chance to share ideas and get feedback from other organizers about any issues you're currently facing.

Meet with other organizers to learn how they're transitioning to hybrid events

Base Pricing Tiers

Large multi-track, multi-day events


Single Day Event         Multi-day Event


/per registrant


/per registrant

Virtual attendant for entire event

Venue opens 7 days prior to event

Multiple trainings and guides

Additional venue customization

Full event guidance

Great for your first event


Single Day Event         Multi-day Event


/per registrant


/per registrant

Virtual attendant part of event

Venue opens 5 days prior to event

Single training session for organizers

Regular email guidance

One track events familiar with Gather


Single Day Event         Multi-day Event


/per registrant


/per registrant

Virtual attendant for start of event

Venue opens 3 days prior to event

Access to repository of guides

Learn more about the Metaverse and online events with Virtual Chair

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©Virtual Chair 2022

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